{Sunday, August 31, 2008 . Sickly week}

This is the story of me just before booking out this week.

I almost fall out from the 16Km route march on monday.
The feeling was like dying.
Chest pain.
But thanks to my very nice platoon mates who motivate me.
Saying "Tat Hong! Do it for your family and girlfriend."
I manage to complete the 16Km without falling out.

After the route march, I was admitted to the sick bay and I stay 1 night in the sickbay.
The following day, I cannot take part in any strenuous activities.
The next few days, I end up waking up in the middle of the night to VOMIT.
Well, I have gastric flu and slight fever.
Did not take part in my IPPT test. (NAFA test)

But on the last day which was yesterday.
I endure through the Standard Obstacle Course.
Jumping here and there whereby I just recover from my gastric flu and fever.

And after that, it was my book out.
Booking out was really a very wonderful thing that applies to all soldiers.
My gastric flu and fever heal automatically. (I really was sick, I not "Chao Keng")


Well, lastly I have to say loudly.


Tat Hong blogged on Sunday, August 31, 2008


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