{Saturday, November 29, 2008 . Tanks}

Yesterday before booking out we have our driving lesson and test.
Driving an armored vehicle was fun but dangerous.
It makes you think that nothing can stand in your way.
Sitting inside was also very dangerous as the vehicle will keep on shaking.
Drivers and troopers must wear helmet if they are inside the vehicle.

As for today, my dear finally get discharged from the hospital.
She's recovering soon.
Will be back to school in no time.

After tomorrow will be book in day again.
Driving lesson all the way and STAND BY VEHICLE!!!

Tat Hong blogged on Saturday, November 29, 2008


{Sunday, November 23, 2008 . Thanks God}

Finally I want to post something before booking in for a new unit life.
Corporal already.
Discipline must be there.
After today, I will start my new unit life.
Even more discipline than Tekong.

By the way, my beloved dear finally stop having fever.
For the past few days, so many people care for her.
Especially her parents and sisters.
But her platelet still too low.
So once after tomorrow start, it will be my birthday.
And this year birthday wish will be...........

Hope my dear will

Love her always!!


Tat Hong blogged on Sunday, November 23, 2008


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